
In Praise of Easy Problem Solving

Photo by Ross Sneddon on Unsplash Of all the types of puzzles in the world, crosswords are my favorite (with Sudoku not being far behind).  I have many pen and pencil filled crossword books in progress, and occasionally do digital puzzles on my phone or computer.  (I would say using pen means I'm confident in my answers, but really it's because pen feels better on my tendonitis than pencil going across paper.)  Crosswords on paper are more relaxing to me though, as I get to spend some time away from technology.  While helping to pack fragile kitchen items for donation during a house cleaning after a relative passed away, I took a break by solving one of the crosswords from the pile of newspaper I was given to use as wrapping. So how does this topic relate to programming?  Well only recently have I discovered programming practice sites such as HackerRank and Leetcode.  When I was in college I only knew of Project Euler, and doing just a bunch of math problems didn't interes

PyQT Project: Tea Timer

Photo by Ruby Cevallos on Unsplash I love tea. My morning routine includes having a nice cup of black tea with lots of half n half.  When I was working in the office I would make a stop at a Tim Hortons on my way in for a medium steeped tea with double cream to go with my breakfast sandwich.  Lately I have been getting into coffee, but my love is for tea.  My tastes range from a nice Yorkshire Gold to a cheap Lipton.  Sometimes a cup of green tea is all I need, or at night I'm drinking an herbal with chamomile to relax.  When I am sick I turn to an herbal of lemon ginger to settle my stomach, and I like to have a cup of Bubbla/Boba tea a couple times a month. I'm not picky when it comes to how long I steep my brew.  Sometimes I steep it for a couple minutes, or up to almost 5 if I want something stronger.  (And sometimes even longer if I forget my tea is sitting on the counter.)  Using a single-setting electric kettle means I am not picky about brewing temperature either.  How

So...what is this blog for?

One word: Updates.  While I do have a full portfolio website at, I wanted to have an area where I can provide updates and more information on the projects I'm working on, without having to constantly update the actual site itself.  The site will have a link under each project for the related posts here, so anyone interested can see all the progress I have made. Welcome to my project blog.
This is a test post to see how my blog looks after cleaning it up. Here's a picture of Luna. Luna was born May 1st 2018.  She is completely deaf, and always has this look of being surprised by everything.  Her favorite thing to (try to) eat is plastic bags, and she finds the Wegmans ones to be the most delicious.  Her hobbies include rolling on pizza boxes, playing fetch, and watching the birds on our deck.